Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Why have water treatment plants become an urgency in the present age?

Water, which covers 70% of the whole earth surface, is one of the key resources which nature has offered to us. How will you hypothesize your views about the value of water resources when you come to know that only 2.5% of whole water resources are fresh and potable? And furthermore, it is just 1% of the freshwater which is accessible to human. We, as the responsible citizen of this ‘planet of life’, must ensure that we use water moderately and keep the water preserved in a way so that it can be used by future generations as well. The industrial revolution brought ease to our lives in many ways but it has also brought spoilage to our freshwater resources with the industrial waste. It has now become an urgency of time to find advanced produced water recycling methods. Shutting down the industries shall never be deemed to be an appropriate solution for the freshwater preservation, however, setting up the water treatment plants to filter water from the industrial waste will be a well-advised decision. 

                      Produced Water Recycling
If water contaminated due to oil and gas drilling is released into the rivers and oceans, it destroys the whole marine environment. In order to filter the byproducts of manufacturing and mining industry from water, metal finishing wastewater treatment are required to be installed. We know very well that as good the water treatment process will be as higher will be the proportion of water which can be claimed to be reused. With the growth of population, we need to take right measures to ensure the increasing demand of freshwater supply. 

Source : https://filtsol.atavist.com/industrial-wastewater-treatment-

Employ Machine Coolant Recycling to Cut on Industrial Costs

As the machines cause friction during an industrial process, a lot of heat is generated that can have hazardous effects. Machine coolants provide two important functions during the working of machines namely lubrication and cooling. They are made up of various kinds of cutting fluids including oils, oil-water emulsions, pastes, gels, aerosols (mists), and air or other gases.
In order to get the maximum savings for an industrial operation, used machine coolants can be recycled with the help of technology. A coolant recycling system is developed that uses tramp oil separator (CPS) to remove suspended solids, emulsified and free tramp oil and bacteria from the coolants. More importantly, after the recycling process, properties of the recovered coolants are maintained. Similarly, a lot of industrial wastewater is generated during various processes. When treated, this water gets a high concentration of colloidal solids. In order to get effective filtration for the industrial wastewater, Photovoltaic wastewater treatment is used that works on two techniques known as cTMF and TMF where TMF stands for Tubular Membrane Filters.
If you want to know more about the machine coolant recycling or industrial wastewater treatment, you should get in touch with a company that has developed different tools to do them effectively. You can explore the internet and make a search for such companies. 
